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Home » Our research » Oral, intestinal and systemic health » Oral, intestinal and systemic health team

Oral, intestinal and systemic health team

Icon Oral intestinal and sistemic health close up of anatomy

Meet the team leading and enabling our research in oral, intestinal and systemic health.

Professor Iain Chapple

Oral, Intestinal and Systemic Health Theme Lead

Professor Tariq Iqbal

Oral, Intestinal and Systemic Health Theme Lead

Professor Moritz Kebschull

Chair of Restorative Dentistry

Dr Nabil Quraishi

Consultant Gastroenterologist

Professor Andrew Beggs

Professor of Cancer Genetics and Surgery

Professor Thomas Dietrich

Head of Oral Surgery

Dr Asif Iqbal

Associate Professor in Inflammation Biology

Dr Richard Horniblow

Associate Professor in Gastrointestinal Biomedical Science

Dr Melissa Grant

Associate Professor, School of Dentistry

Dr Josefine Hirschfeld

Associate Professor & Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry

Dr Praveen Sharma

Associate Professor & Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry

Dr Peter Rimmer

Academic Clinical Lecturer in Gastroenterology

Dr Zehra Yonel

Clinical Lecturer Periodontology