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Our strategy

Together with the NIHR Birmingham Clinical Research Facility, we work with people and communities with lived experience of health conditions and services.

The NIHR Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre and Clinical Research Facility five year joint strategy includes six aims that will enable quality research which:

  • is informed by patient/public insights and experience
  • focuses on questions that reflect direct patient need national and locally
  • respects all aspects of community diversity.

We will achieve this in ever greater partnership with local, regional and national communities, and in a spirit of working together in co-production.

Our strategic aims

Aim 1 : Equality, diversity and inclusivity

Guided by the NIHR Race Equality Framework, create an inclusive environment for PPIE where our work can be shaped by the diverse communities we serve

Aim 2 : Connecting communities

Strengthen collaborations with patient and community groups. Continue to share good practice, learning and innovations in PPIE

Aim 3: Improving research leadership and governance

Promote equality of public voice in all research leadership and governance structures, with public involvement at every level of oversight

Aim 4: Effective learning and support

Ensure that all receive high quality learning opportunities and support to enable effective involvement and engagement with the public

Aim 5 : Communicate clearly Enable meaningful conversations and knowledge exchange with patients and community groups, especially those from under-represented groups

Aim 6 : Making a difference Recognise and celebrate the difference made by the public to the BRC and CRF, its research, and on the public themselves